Miss Togo 2023 Chimène Moladja to compete in Miss World 2023

Togo, a West African nation on the Gulf of Guinea, is set to debut at Miss World 2023 later this year Miss Togo 2023 Chimène Moladja officially announced on Monday, October 16 her upcoming participation in the Miss World 2023 competition. In a statement on social media, the 24-year-old who now holds the title Miss World Togo 2023 shared: "I consider this opportunity to be so much more than just a beauty contest. This is a platform that will allow me to carry a message close to my heart, a message of hope, unity, and change." "My goal in participating in Miss World 2023 is to raise awareness worldwide on issues affecting our society, such as education, women empowerment, environmental protection, and the fight against inequality," she added. "As a young Togolese woman, I am convinced that we all have a role to play in building a better world. Together, we can break down barriers, promote equal opportunities, and encourage solidarity between peoples." Chimèn...