Miss Supranational 2023: Meet the contestants
Sixty-five contestants from around the world have arrived in Nowy Sącz, Małopolska, Poland to compete for the coveted title of Miss Supranational 2023. Four countries making a debut in the competition this year include Botswana, the Cayman Islands, Mozambique, and the United Kingdom while returning countries consist of Albania, Cameroon, Croatia, Equatorial Guinea, Gibraltar, Nicaragua, The Bahamas, and Togo. Since their arrival in the host country, pre-pageant activities immediately started — photo shooting, filming, touring, and of course, enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime Supranational experience. One of them will soon succeed South Africa's Lalela Mswane who will be passing the Miss Supranational crown in the upcoming final and coronation show this July 14 at the Strzelecki Park Amphitheater. Don't miss voting for your favorite contestants into the Top 12. To vote, head over to the Miss Supranational official app which you can download on App Store for iOS or Google Play for An