Miss Universe Argentina 2024: Meet the contestants

The much-awaited Miss Universe Argentina 2024 grand final will be held on Saturday, May 25 at Auditorio de Belgrano in Buenos Aires. A total of 28 incredible women from across the country will compete for the coveted national title currently held by last year's winner Yamile Dajud . You may vote for your favorite contestant to advance to the final. To vote until May 12, just head over to the official app and official Instagram page of the competition. The next Miss Universe Argentina will represent the "land of silver" at the 73rd Miss Universe (Miss Universe 2024) in Mexico this November. Who will take home this year's title? Meet the contestants: ANTÁRTIDA - Hannah Mentasti BUENOS AIRES - Alejandra Rodríguez CABA - Mayra Núñez CATAMARCA - Marina Giovannini CHACO - María José Caram CHUBUT - Antonella Giglio CORDILLERA DE LOS ANDES - Agustina Fernández CÓRDOBA - Magali Benejam CORRIENTES - Selene Bublitz COSTA ATLÁNTICA - Josefina Córdoba ENTRE RÍOS - Dani...